Super Best Audio Friends

The evolution of the original irreverent and irrelevant and non-authoritative site for headphone measurements, i.e. frequency response graphs, CSD waterfall plots, subjective gear reviews. Too objective for subjectivists; too subjective for objectivists

So I got to thinking: Something that works with IEMs. That's what I need. I had a conversation with a member a while back regarding an small amp that would work well with hybrid DD/BA IEMs, namely the Solaris (OG or 2020). I've always ran CFA IEMs from the Sony ZX2 ever since I've picked it up. The reason is that the ZX2's organic sound, it's organic lows, mids, and highs, meshed really well with the OG Andromeda. I added the OG Solaris to the mix and it worked well enough. However, it wasn't as perfect as I wanted to be. While the organic highs of the Sony ZX2 player does wonders with the CFA BA drivers, the DD drivers, with their physicality, slower decay, and softer attacks, didn't gel so with with the ZX2. It wasn't bad, but it could be better. Similar issue with the Drop JVC FDX1. It's upper midrange emphasis is tamed by the ZX2, but it's bass really needed some help. So ahead I forged on the Apos website.


Wait, what's this xDuoo boopy doop thingy? Hmm, the Force or Magic Eight Ball is telling me something here. "Hey, @CEE TEE, can you get me the iDuo duodenum X15 ZYX +++ mega version edition doodad?"

Well it turned out my hunch was right.
Geekria provides several types of pads for Grado. To be specific, I am taking about these below. In terms of thickness, they are somewhere between the stock L-pad and SR60 cushions, but of larger diameter. The Geekria material is softer and more pliant than the Grado pads. In other words, more comfortable.


@Hands already did a lot of the heavy lifting in his Symphones V9 build review, going through 100 different pads. He zero'd in on the Geekria as being the best for this headphone, so I just went along with it. FWIW, I also agree these pads worked the best. For kicks, I also tried these pads with the Grado HF-3, and they worked quite well (more later).
Picture or didn't happen. This legal drug arrived at my place today. I could finally convince myself for the following reasons: (1) I need a summer pair of headphones; (2) My b-day is coming. Wanted a little special gift for myself; (3) F*** that's too beautiful to pass.. I'm not immune to "limited" marketing, either.... :(


I'm posting measurements first, as I immediately noticed I had to measure today -- otherwise I would not be able to do forever. Sounds holy-shit-oh-my-god-homerun-good to me.
This is the companion unit to the iFi ZEN CAN. I'm going to ship this to @ChaChaRealSmooth to get his take on it because he's heard the regular iFi ZEN DAC/amp AIO. From the sounds of it, it seems like the Signature is a more grown up version. The Drop x ZEN DAC Signature is a DAC only.


Overall the sound is warm and a touch on the polite and forgiving side in the overall universe of DACs, cheap or expensive, that I have heard throughout the years. The ZEN DAC Signature is a still delta-sigma DAC, but iFi seems to go for a house sound that doesn't shear your ears of with digititus. The highs are plenty natural or as natural as can be. I'm assuming iFi is still going with the BB PCM179x series chips for this listenable quality. These chips are a bit dated. They are not the last word in microdetail compared to today's latest and greatest AKM or ESS parts. However, they don't suffer from the dreaded VELVET SOUND that every other person seems to dislike around here, or the still slightly unnatural highs of the ESS.
Well, probably more measurements than a formal review. Quick impressions are that on a technical level, they are somewhere between the Clear and Utopia, closer to Utopia. The Stellia is a closed variant in Focal's line, above the Elegia reviewed here:


Personally, I prefer the Elegia from a tonal signature point of view, but the Stellia is massively better in terms of resolution, transient response, and just plain ol' liveliness and engagement. I didn't have as much time to tweak stuff as I wanted. As with any closed headphone (with the exception of properly executed Fostex T50RP mods), there's stuff that's a bit off and requires EQ to massage. The frequency response looks quite good though, but still.
The ZEN CAN Signature has an active EQ designed or the Drop HD6XX. There is a button which I assume should be able to active or deactivate this feature with a corresponding LED indicator. However, this does not appear to be work. The ZEN CAN seems stuck with the HD6XX EQ mode on. I am not sure if the unit is broken or if I do not know how to use it. Either way, I'm sure this will be remediated sooner or later.

Shame to see Garuspik banned, he had a bright future in the headphone game, nailed the timbre of a planar on his first go which is damn impressive, his comments while some funny others a bit too far and unprofessional in other places ultimately probably contributed to his banning.


This is now multiple forums and while reddit and discord aren't a big deal, headfi for marketing and here for quality impressions will hurt him. I hope in future he can come back from this but I feel he's too set in his ways to. Such a shame.
I wish I had gotten to the Burl earlier and didn't initially discount it on the matter of their sales pitch in SOS on the DAC sounding "analog" with "deliberate ... distortion". Or maybe that was the writer's lame interpretation. I was worried about warmpoo or 1984 R2R NOS sound which I most definitely wanted to avoid. It's hardly that at all. Yet at the same time, the Burl B2 Bomber DAC quite the opposite of the Benchmark or Mytek approaches (shudders).


The Burl B2 Bomber DAC is something that I simply listening to. I don't get distracted by wow this or wow that. It's not that it doesn't do certain things well as all good DACs do or have its own flavor. It's just that goes about its business nonchalant way. This isn't Zhang Zimou were the audience thinks "wow, artsy fartsy, look at all those colors and synchronized movements", this is Steven Spielberg where we are engrossed in the story.
As in they’re made to swim with. Yes. Crazy but true. One of the most well tuned headphones I’ve heard. They’re not perfect but they really just sound normal. They sound like music. Great neutral bass with good extension, gorgeous midrange, hardly any (read none for most people) upper midrange weirdness and peak free treble that lacks refinement and air. Pretty fast ish sounding iem even though it’s dynamic. Big soundstage with good separation. Lack of ultimate high end type refinement. I think that because of their good tuning they sound much better than their technical capabilities. Which is something we should see more often.

With broken in G-Cush pads, they work well enough and are tolerable, albeit on the brighter side. (I'm not a fan of the Grado sound with the G-Cush pads). However, I really love these with the TTVJ Deluxe pads. Technicality wise in terms of perceived clarity and retrieval of low level information, the HF-3 are a bit behind the RS-2, more on the SR-225 or SR-325 level. And really, we are talking about very slightly behind (still a big step up from SR-80 or SR-125). The kicker is that from a tonal balance and "refinement" point of review, the HF-3 seems more balanced holding back more in the upper-mids and mid-bass compared to other Grado models. And that makes all the difference. The HF-3 is a less raw and more grown up compared to the typical Grado.

Had this in the house roughly for ten days. Shortly speaking, the amp was surprisingly good to me.
  • I argue an ultimate headphone amp should drive and sound like ECP DSHA-3F. Proximity to that specific product is largely the way how I rate headamps.
  • I've consistently shown my dispreference toward opamp-based headamps. Also strongly believe that excellently measuring amps are all shit. None of Heresy, Atom, 888/789 worked for me, although heresy was noticeably better than the rest.
  • As of early July in 2020, Jotunheim seems regarded as a flavor of two or more years ago. I am a member of the minority group who still likes Jot over similar alternatives such as 789. Amps listed in the second bullet point were worse than Jot in one or multiple criteria. At least for the headphones I enjoy.
I'm a bit late on this one since the Ara seemed to steal the thunder from the 2020 update to the Andromeda. Physically the dimensions are unchanged, so those with fitment issues with the nozzles being too shallow with the OG Andromeda won't find this any better. The only change that I've noticed from the OG is bore opening is a grill instead of three holes.


I will keep the subjective impressions short. While the OG Andromeda (without much tweaking and from a near zero ohm source) has a slight V-shape, the Andromeda 2020 is a dark sounding IEM. Actually quite a bit darker than the measurements below would indicate. The highs up top do sound a bit more refined, but I am not sure if this is via the tweaks since the OG Andromeda (applied to Solaris), or a function of the FR differences (more lows and less highs).